The fastest way to cancellation is by using the links below to cancel your membership:
You will need your Username, Password, and email address to login and use the account tools
Website Name and Link | ||||
RopExpert or RopExpert Combo Account | ||||
SweetTies or SweeTies Combo Account | ||||
Some of you may have purchased your membership throught CCBill. If so here is the contact info to cancel your account
CCBill Customer Support Page
Phone: 1.888.596.9279
You may only want a 30, 60 or 90-day membership and may not want to be re-billed automatically for more. What do you do? It's very simple! All of our recurring memberships can be cancelled very easily and quickly online without any loss. Your membership will remain active and you will have full access to the site until the end of the last (30, 60 or 90-day) membership period you have paid for. You can cancel your 30-day recurring membership the day after you've joined the site and you will have full access to the site until the 30 days are up, at which point your membership will expire without being re-billed.
Please check the site before automatically cancelling your membership though! Some of our members cancel their memberships without thinking, and then regret it later because they enjoy the site so much and would prefer to stay on for longer after all. Unfortunately, once cancelled there’s no way or re-activating a membership, you'll have to rejoin the site again using the join page of the site!